Aired:Mar. 3, 2001
Suddenly, small Kuramons overflow into Tokyo. It is done by Diablomon, an evil Digimon once defeated by Omegamon. Daisuke and Ken catch all Kuramons on the streets, while Taichi and Yamato go to the "Digital World" to fight against Diablomon. Although Taichi and Yamato's Omegamon defeats Diablomon, it releases even more Kuramons and the flood of them totally paralyzes Tokyo's urban function. Eventually kuramons transform into powerful Armagemon and beats Omegamon. Yamato and Ken rushed into the scene let their Digimons transform into Imperial Dramon. Armagemon torments Imperial Dramon and for a time, everyone loses hope of winning. However, Daisuke and Ken's spirit of never giving up the battle causes a miracle that a "Holy Ring" appears from Omegamon's body. It merges with Imperial Dramon and becomes Imperial Dramon Paladin Mode. With its "Omega Blade," Imperial Dramon Paladin Mode defeats Armagemon. It changes back into small Kuramons again. Iori comes up with the idea of using cell phones and mobile computers to take in Kuramon as digital data so, he asks people of Tokyo to point them to the Imperial Dramon. Cell phones and mobile computers emit rays of light and they gather to Imperial Dramon's sword. It becomes one bundle of light and takes in all Kuramons. When the light fades away, Kuramons are gone, and the peace comes back to the town.